Joe Sinagra

Joe Sinagra

My name is Joe Sinagra and I’m one of the Elders at Grace and Peace Community Church. Calling myself “Elder” may sound like I’m something special – like I’m “extra holy” – but I’m just a regular guy with a regular life outside of church. I have a wife (Jessica) and six kids (Rosemary, Carmellina, Joseph, Peter, David and Penelope). I teach at a local high school and I rent a row home in South Philly – there’s nothing particularly holy about that! I did not grow up in a Christian home. I was led to faith in Christ when I was in college. I spent most of my life growing up feeling like I “didn’t belong.” After learning about the deep love of Christ and His acceptance of me despite my shortcomings I was convinced that this was what I had been waiting for all my life. I gave my life to Him and have never regretted it.

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